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Parking - Underground parking markings

We carry tags
of every kind, according to
Your wishes.

We go fast, flexible and
individually to your wishes

Pitches & driveways

Parking markings are used to secure traffic and make optimal use of the available parking areas.
The pitches are marked according to the valid regulations. In addition, they can be numbered and / or pictograms, eg. B. Disabled or mother and child symbols.

In addition, pedestrian crossings, the direction of travel by directional arrows and no parking zones are marked by restricted areas and / or pictograms.

For this we use the following materials:

  1. Component marking color
  2. Component marking color
  3. Components cold plastic, if necessary plus primer

These are materials tested and approved by the BASt (Federal Highway Research Institute).

Escape route markings

In addition to the markings for the vehicles, the escape routes for the visitors are also marked in parking garages and underground garages. These markings are for safety and have the shortest route to the emergency exit.
They can be labeled with the following materials:

1-component marking color
2-component marking color
2-component cold plastic if necessary plus primer

The marking can be applied in all traffic colors. And be presented in the form of a fully-marked path or in the form of arrows.

Corporate logos

A marking of a parking space with your company logo is also possible.

Marking nails

Today, with more and more electric vehicles, more electric parking is needed. That’s why we also offer you a mark for this.

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Kohl Markierung works as fast as possible

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Kohl Markierung is reliable & safe