We carry tags
of every kind, according to
Your wishes.
Special markers / Individual
We carry tags
of every kind, according to
Your wishes.
We go fast, flexible and
individually to your wishes
At the request of a customer, a parking lot for pharmacy customers was built here.
We can provide you with any logo you want. Whether family crest, company logo or the logo of your favorite club, it does not matter. Just contact us if you have a specific idea.
We can mark any text in any font, we work in this case according to your templates.
Presentation areas
We create markings for presentation areas, as shown here for new commercial vehicles of a car dealership!
Marking nails
Marking nails are suitable for heavy duty areas, eg. B. for marking roundabouts, delineation of lanes or traffic calming.
Equipped with reflectors (optional), they are an excellent orientation aid, especially at night, in fog and in poor visibility.
Köllner Teller
The Cologne plates, made of high-quality cast aluminum, serve to calm traffic. Their diameter is 300 mm and they are 50 or 35 mm high.
Visual signs, thresholds, wheel stop bars
To further secure road traffic, we also lay visual signs (Bischofsmützen), road sleepers and wheel stop bars.