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Factory Hall Marking

We carry tags
of every kind, according to
Your wishes.

Factory Hall Marking

We carry tags
of every kind, according to
Your wishes.

We respond quickly, flexibly
and individually to your wishes

Traffic routes on company premises

A professional marking is also indispensable for the traffic. It marks traffic and footpaths and thus contributes significantly to the safety on the factory premises.

The marking of auxiliary lines at the truck unloading stations makes it easier for drivers to start off and also reduces the risk of accidents here. Furthermore, the marking of the parking areas for cars and trucks enables optimal utilization of the available space.

For the markings we use the same materials as on public roads and lanes.

Bearing markings (FTS systems)

In large companies with many goods to be stored hall markings make for easy guidance. In order to ensure that all goods can be stored in a reasonably orderly manner, we provide a warehouse marking according to your wishes. Of course, it is also possible to use a FTS (Fuehless Transport System) system.

Security marking

Safety markings identify escape routes and danger spots. In addition, they are used as a separation and marking of driving and walking paths. For some companies, the security marking is also needed as a boundary for production lines.

Warning mark

Areas requiring special attention can also be marked with a warning mark. This is especially necessary in places where something might happen if you do not act with caution.


Company logos

A marking of your own company logo is possible.


Shot peening

Smooth and / or soiled surfaces must be prepared by shot peening so that they are free of separating substances and thus the best possible adhesion of the marking to the substrate can be achieved. Shot blasting is an environmentally friendly method of cleaning concrete and industrial floors and removing markings.


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Kohl Markierung works as fast as possible

Kohl Markierung is reliable & secure

Kohl Markierung is reliable & secure